Saturday, December 25, 2010

After my previous post, I got a little sidetracked from what I was actually trying to write about.
Today isn't about the material things. It's about God.
Church last night really put it into perspective for me. We give each other gifts, but we forget that God gave us the most precious gift of all: Himself.
The way I saw it last night, is if God can put himself in a box (or in His case, a woman), and give Himself to us to save us from ourselves, then why can't we do the same for Him?
To truly let go of ourselves and let Him in. That's what we need this season. We think that a miracle at this time of the year is getting along with our relatives and enjoying the hard moments, but the real miracle is Him. The miracle that gives us life.

Learned a fun fact about Jesus yesterday.
The Bible has so many prophecies about the Messiah. There are so many little things that were said that the Christ would be, that there is a 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 chance that a person could fit all of those prophecies and requirements. My pastor put it into perspective. If you were to take a quarter, and put a circle on it, and put it in with 99,999,999,999,999,999 others, they would cover the entire state of Michigan TEN FEET TALL. Now find that one quarter that has a circle on it. That's the odds of finding the one person in the world that would fit all the old prophecies. It would take a miracle!
And God GAVE us that miracle. He gave us HIMSELF. It's hard to even comprehend.

And I forget that. It's hard to remember when I'm overloaded with the holiday stress on my shoulders. I love my family, but that doesn't mean that it's not hard at this time of the year.

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